Sustain research



Sustain research

The work of the non-profit Camillo de Lellis Foundation can be sustained through monetary contribution payable in the following ways:

  • Post transfer on account no. 12590865
  • Bank transfer on the bank Intesa San Paolo, Viale Marconi 60 Pescara, beneficiary ‘Fondazione Onlus Camillo de Lellis’, IBAN code IT97J0306915461100000003604
  • Other payment methods referred to art. 23 of Legislative Decree no. 241 of 09/07/97, such as credit cards, checks, etc.

In all cases, in order to exploit the tax benefits it is necessary to specify that it is a donation made to a non-profit association.

Tax advantages for donors

Donations in favour to non-profit associations can benefit from the following tax advantages:

  • Natural persons: tax deduction equal to 26% of the amount paid for a maximum of € 30,000.00/per year (art. 15 TUIR), or deduction of an amount equal to 10% of the taxable income up to € 70,000.00 (Legislative Decree no. 35 of 17/03/2005).
  • Parties subject to IRES: 2% of the business income. Tax deduction for donations up to € 30,000.00 are deductible even if they exceed 2% of the business income (art. 100 TUIR), or deduction of an amount equal to 10% of the business income up to € 70,000 (Legislative Decree no. 35 of 17/03/2005).

Give us your 5×1000!

Donate us your 5×1000: an important contribution which must not be wasted.

Herebelow the code to enter in the model for the tax return:

9 10 55 29 06 87

Donating your 5×1000 to no-profit organisations means supporting those who give importance to people and their needs. 5×1000 costs you nothing as it the share of the taxes to which the Italian State waives in favour of non-profit organizations.

